What is coaching?
Coaching is a structure that facilitates the process of personal or professional development. We design the coaching approach together to meet your goals whether they are in your current or aspirational job. A key aspect of our relationship is developing appropriate action steps to help you move toward your goals.
Is coaching confidential?
The coaching relationship is built on trust. I agree to keep all conversations and information private and confidential. No personal ideas, information or thoughts expressed will be shared with anyone except with your permission unless required by law.
What isn't coaching?
Coaching is not therapy. If issues arise that are best dealt with in a therapeutic context, I will refer you to an appropriately trained licensed therapist. Coaching is not consulting. We’ll explore if consulting is a better match for your needs.
How do I know if I'm coachable?
Are you motivated and open minded? If you have the desire to make changes and the willingness to do the work and be accountable, coaching can be for you!
Can I see the coaching contract?
Here you go! Coaching usually leads to improvements and positive changes in one’s life. The pros and cons of coaching will be discussed together. I believe that each of my clients are unique, creative and responsible for moving their own life forward. I look forward to working with you.
Is coaching is right for me?
You are the only one who can answer that question. Consider your goals, your desires, and the coaching fit. Schedule an exploratory call to assess the match and alignment with your goals.